Listen To Reason! The Philosopher, Writer, and Messenger of this correct information was born with the given name of Johnnie Eugene Brown. He was born on CCY November 23, 1926 in Oliver, Georgia, to the late John Howard and Daisy Lou Brown. He was the youngest of eleven children born out of this sacred union. After a rich and fruitful life, Johnnie made his abrupt but peaceful transition from this earth plane on CCY Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at approximately 4:00 a.m.
He was ORIGINALLY (meaning in terms of ancestry and lineage) from The Sudan in Motherland Africa, and he definitely was a member of The African Race also called The Black Race. Johnnie was educated in the Savannah, Georgia School System. He was always an ardent seeker of root knowledge and his search was rewarded with a profound understanding of the natural order of the universe –space, matter and time (SMAT). Johnnie had a wide range of interests. He served in both the Army and Navy, enjoyed a bout with flexing his muscles in the boxing arena, graduated from Drake Business School in Brooklyn, New York, where he studied drafting, and also attended Long Island University where he took several business courses. Johnnie was always a “seeker” and “independent thinker” and businessman. He used his entrepreneurial talents to open The Bumble Bee, a novelty store in Brooklyn where he served dedicated customers for several years.

On CCY Monday, February 5, 1962, an extremely rare grand conjunction of 9 celestial orbs occurred, the Aquarius Stellium of 1962. This was the year that the forces of Cosmic Sound Right Reason made themselves known to Mr. Brown. CCY 1962 was A NINE YEAR – a year when all its digits add up to NINE this way – 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9 – this is very important because the Power 9 is the Resurrector who indeed must raise the SMAT circle of Order upward on the side that is on the right. Furthermore, history shows that indeed emotions ran high, violent activities increased, there was worldwide unrest, and disasters were rife all over Planet Gea (Earth) in the sixties, marking the end of a DISPENSATION in The Universes called The Cycle of Evolution.
He published his first books entitled “Bible Interpretations and Explanations Book 1 and Book 2” using the pen-name “Amunubi Rahkaptah” between the years of 1966 – 1968 where he introduced a spiritual science he called NUWAUPU. Along with his two kin relatives and co-publishers, Arvin Bryant (Sipoo) and Arthur Simmons (Gepoo), they released a series of books entitled “The Nine Ball Count I-IV” between the years of 1971 – 1972 using the pen-names “Wu Nupu, Asu Nupu, and Naba Nupu.”
He then worked for the U.S. Postal Service and was pleased to retire in 1990 to devote 100% of his time to his universal studies and to the completion of his books. After his retirement, he moved to New Jersey and became even more deeply involved in his studies and writings.
In 1993, he published a series of books describing a spiritual science he called NOONE. The first book in this series was entitled “Are You Searching for Knowledge? If so, Read Me!!! Moonset and Sunrise in the Nature of Nature.” The other books in this series were entitled “Introduction To The Nature Of Nature - Book 1” published in 1993, “Introduction To The Nature Of Nature - Book 2” published in 1995, “Transcript to the Audio Tape Introduction To The Nature Of Nature” published in 1996, and “Introduction To The Nature Of Nature - Book 3” published in 2007. All of the books in this series he published using the pen-name Afroo Oonoo (pronounced AF-ROO OO-NOO), which he described as his “eastern and scientific name” with the word and name AFROO meaning pertaining to Africa, African, or of African descent, and the word and name OONOO meaning number one or first to be resurrected again (this happens every 72 million years) from the death called ignorance and deception about Absolute Nature and its laws and cycles.
Johnnie used several pen-names on his publications, including:
Amunubi Rahkaptah
Afroo Oonoo
Nubii Repoo
In total, he published the following books:
Bible Interpretations and Explanations Book 1, circa 1966-1967 by Amunubi Rahkaptah
Bible Interpretations and Explanations Book 2, 1968 by Amunubi Rahkaptah
The Nine Ball Count I - IV, 1971-1972 by Wu Nupu, Asu Nupu, and Naba Nupu
Are You Searching for Knowledge? If so, Read Me!!! Moonset and Sunrise in the Nature of Nature, by Afroo Oonoo, 1973, 1993
Introduction To The Nature Of Nature - Book 1, by Afroo Oonoo, 1993
Introduction To The Nature Of Nature - Book 2, by Afroo Oonoo, 1995
Transcript to the Audio Tape Introduction To The Nature Of Nature, by Afroo Oonoo, 1996
Introduction To The Nature Of Nature - Book 3, by Afroo Oonoo, 2007
Each one of Johnnie’s books are a testimony to his profound wisdom, continuous spiritual growth, and his dedication to Eternal Almighty Nature and its laws, cycles, and Reason as the One Supreme Being. You personally need to know The Writer of this positive knowledge not nearly so much as you need to know this correct information he has written. It is neither important who the Writer is by social status or by birth nor what book he got information from. But what is important and very important, however, is whether what he writes is TRUTH or FALSEHOOD, FACT or FICTION, KNOWLEDGE or IGNORANCE, RIGHTNESS or WRONGNESS, HONESTY or DECEPTION. Who can define Johnnie Brown? When asked by a family member years ago, “what do you call yourself”, and after musing over the question, he humbly answered, “I am a scientist.” And a scientist of the finest sort he truly was!!